Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010

Disable Alias Arrow in OSX

I dislike the Windows-like arrows in the lower left corner of alias icons. Ever since Panther came out, I'd been using the technique described in this hint to get rid of them. When the 10.4.3 Update restored the pesky arrows, I had a little trouble locating the tip, because it is categorized for 10.3, and updated information for Tiger users is only presented at the end of the comments. Hence, this 10.4-only version summarizes (and slightly elaborates on) the Tiger-specific instructions from the original submission.

This procedure, which renames the arrow-image file (AliasBadgeIcon.icns) so that the System won't find it, affects all users and accounts and requires administrator privileges. Open Terminal and type:
<code style="color: rgb(159, 45, 0); font-family: Monaco, Courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; ">cd /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources</code>
Press Return and then type:
<code style="color: rgb(159, 45, 0); font-family: Monaco, Courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; ">sudo mv AliasBadgeIcon.icns AliasBadgeIcon_off.icns</code>
Press Return again, type your administrator's password at the prompt, and you're done. The arrows will be gone after your next restart.

To undo this, repeat the steps above, but swap the positions of the filenames on the second command line:
<code style="color: rgb(159, 45, 0); font-family: Monaco, Courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; ">sudo mv AliasBadgeIcon_off.icns AliasBadgeIcon.icns</code>
All thanks and credit to the original posters who figured this out.

Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2010

Kostenlose iWork Templates

Joel Wolfgangs Seite bietet kostenlose Templates fuer Schueler, Studenten und Lehrer.
Auf jeden Fall einen kurzen Klick wert ;)

- Posted from my iPhone

Montag, 19. Juli 2010

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